



Slide studio je arhitektonski studio sa sedištem u Beogradu koja se bavi različitim vrstama projekata: urbanističkim, arhitektonskim i enterijerskim. 

Slide studio is an architectural atelier based in Belgrade that deals with different types of projects: urban, architectural and interior. 



Od prve slobodoručne linije, skice, ideje, zajedno sa klijentom, stvaramo okvir za uzbudljivu poslovnu saradnju, koja rezultira u prostor i volumen koji treba da “opstane u vremenu ispred”, ne dosadi i bude stalan izvor nadahnuća za krajnjeg korisnika.

Naš pristup dizajnu odlikuje interesovanje za jednostavnost linija i volumena, za izuzetnu pažnju prema detaljima, završnim obradama i izboru materijala.

From the first freehand line, sketch, idea, together with the client, we create a framework for exciting business cooperation, which results in space and volume that should “survive in the time ahead”, not get bored and be a constant source of inspiration for the client.

Our approach to design is characterized by great interest in the simplicity of lines and volume, for exceptional attention to detail, finishing and choice of materials.

    • Skica / ideja / Projektni zadatak
    • Projekat
  • Realizacija / Projektni nadzor


Veliki ili mali, pristupačni ili raskošni, svaki projekat može biti izvanredan. Svaki projekat ima jedinstveni potencijal ugrađen u njegov određeni kontekst. Pokušavamo da otkrijemo taj potencijal i maksimiziramo ga. Dešifrujemo želje i potrebe klijenata, dekodiramo građevinske propise, analiziramo poglede i kretanje. Sve to prevodimo i sintetišemo u oblike, sekvence, materijale. 

Studio posvećuje najveću pažnju potrebama klijenta, spremnosti da sa njim podele razne predloge, brizi i pažnji prema ostvarenju onoga što je klijent odabrao.

Large or small, affordable or lavish, each project has the capacity to be extraordinary. Every project has a unique potential embedded within its particular context. We attempt to uncover that potential and maximize it. We decipher the desires and needs of the clients, decode building regulations, views, and movement. We translate and synthetize it all into shapes, sequences, materials.  

The studio pays the greatest attention to the client’s needs, readiness to share various suggestions with him, care and attention to the realization of what the client has chosen.

realizovani projekti

realizovani enterijeri

graficki dizajn